The first four chapters are officially up! I will continue to update the table of contents and transfer the writing into a more minimalist look.
The first four chapters are officially up! I will continue to update the table of contents and transfer the writing into a more minimalist look.
I put up a few new pages--actual, official chapters!--but I'm considering doing a bit of a revamp on how the writing is displayed. I think I'll switch to the Depths CSS from my other website, just for the writing pages.
I'm also still not quite sure of how I want to make a search function, especially if I'm going to include actual chapters in addition to the rainbowfic tidbits. I'm leaning towards a ctrl+f thing rather than a javascript one now.
New page up with a darker tone than usual. Check out Memory of a Storm. (Warning for unreality/surreality and second person description of a panic attack)
I have added TWO new pages! Metallic Exoskeleton and So, you come here often? are now up.
The site is also now mobile-friendly! Still not sure it looks the best, but you can at least access its content. Happy viewing!
Organized the recommended reading order into an actual order, including a few sections that tell you generally what each piece is about. I also added the old comics onto their own pages again!
Started adding individual character pages, but didn't put a link anywhere yet, so here you go
All of the stuff I wanted to add from Dreamwidth is up! Now I just have to upload some of the old stuff and maybe a few new drawings. See the recommended reading order for the new stuff :)
Moved all the old pages to the archives. They'll be messy while they're there, but I'll clean them up and restore them to their former glory eventually!
Also added a bunch of new content to the home page.
Wow, it's been nearly a year! I have plans to give this site a MAJOR UPDATE. Not sure how long it will take. Hang in there!